Willyama High School

Connect, Inspire, Excel - Together

Telephone08 8088 1055


Useful Website Links


Useful website links for parents and students.

www.schoolatoz.com.au - School A to Z website with practical help for parents on a variety of issues. Has been a bit of a media campaign about this site, I think it also has a site for students to download educational aps to their iphones.

www.bullyingnoway.com.au - this is about sharing cyber solutions

www.biteback.org.au - stories from people dealing with rough times and enjoying the good. Activities based on positive psychology.

www.ybblue.com.au - the youth program of beyondblue.

www.parentingideas.com.au - tips, suggestions help on parenting.

www.kidshelp.com.au - Kids Helpline counselling service for 5-25 year olds.

www.lifeline.org.au - Crisis and mental health information and your local services.

www.headspace.org.au - One stop-shop centres for help with general health / mental health / education /
employment / drug services for 12-25 year olds.

www.reachout.com.au - Connect and be informed about mental health and wellbeing.

www.depressionet.org.au - depression counselling, peer support and information services.

www.salvos.org.au/salvocareline - trained counsellors available 24/7.

www.itsallright.org - SANE factsheets, podcasts, referral service on mental illness and email helpline.

www.youth.nsw.gov.au - NSW Government's website for young people and people working with youth with a variety of information on current youth issues, services and programs.

www.parentline.org.au -

advice and support with, include the following:

  • Distress  about and/or refusal to attend school
  • Sleep issues and concerns
  • Increased anger and irritability
  • Temper tantrums
  • Homework and study issues
  • Friendship and playground issues and concerns
  • Behavioural concerns at school


http://www.cybersmart.gov.au/ -

tips and tricks for staying safe in the modern internet world.