Willyama High School

Connect, Inspire, Excel - Together

Telephone08 8088 1055


School photo day

Banner for event


WHEN: Friday, February 28

WHERE: Broken Hill High School hall

Willyama High School photos will take place on Friday, February 28.
The photos will be taken in the Broken Hill High School hall.

All students will be given their photo forms during class next week, once they have arrived. These forms have an identifying 'shoot key' which is required when ordering photos before and after photo day.


Family photos 

Family photo forms can be collected at the front office next week, once they have arrived. We will update our Facebook page when these are available for collection.

Ordering photos

Photos can be ordered, and paid for, up to two weeks from Friday, February 28.
Every student will have their photo taken on the day regardless of their order status.
Be sure to document your student’s ‘shoot key’ as this will enable you to order photos online.

Students need to bring their form on the day

Students must bring their form to school on the day, even if photos aren't being ordered. Cash can be paid on the day (correct money needs to be provided).